Sensory Herbal Oracle Cards: Connect with the Energy and Healing Power of Plants

Sensory Herbal Oracle – Connect with the energy and healing power of plants PRE ORDER THE SENSORY HERBAL ORACLE NOW The Sensory Herbal Oracle is a deck of 40 beautifully illustrated cards that will help you connect with the energy and healing power of plants. Written by the Seed Sistas and illustrated by Belle Benfield,…

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5 herbs to get you through Grief and Heartbreak

Yarrow and mugwort flowers, herbs for grief A Samhain Reflection on Herbal Medicine as we remember our ancestors Samhain, the Celtic New Year, is a time of transition, reflection, and honouring our ancestors. A period when the veil between the worlds thins, allowing us to connect with those who have passed. This liminal space can…

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Elderberry Honey – Home remedy for cold and flu viruses

In September, there are elderberries in the hedgerow that have escaped the birds. Umbrellas of berries dripping from the trees. Elderberry is one of our potent antiviral medicines. A fantastic herb to store at this time of year to have on hand if you feel run down or can sense the start of a cold…

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Rosehip Syrup Recipe – Autumn Healing Elixir for an immune-boost over the winter

As summer fades to autumn, look out for the red flashes of rosehip decorating the hedgerow.  You can make rosehip syrup which is both delicious and also offers a wealth of medicinal benefits. Rosehips are the vibrant red or orange fruits that adorn wild rose bushes throughout the UK countryside, typically ripening in late summer…

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Make your own St John’s Wort Oil and heal your skin. More than an anti-depressant, Hypericum perforatum oil is liquid sunshine

When the blossoming of  St John’s wort and the solstice collide, my heart jumps for joy; summer is truly here. St John’s wort is a member of the hypericum family with small bright yellow flowers that grow in bunches. It’s Latin name Hypericum perforatum refers to one of its main identifiable features: If you hold…

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Cacao Medicine & creating a Cacao Ceremony

One of the herbs that has been my biggest support through post-partem and beyond as a busy working mama is Theobroma cacao. The beans from this wonder-plant are processed to eventually become the main ingredient of chocolate. The cacao in commercial chocolate, grown as a commodity on a large scale, purely for industrial chocolate production…

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Comfrey Poultice to Heal brusies, breaks & Sprains

Healing Bruises, Breaks and Sprains with a Comfrey Poultice Last week, I was carrying Bee and walked full speed into the end of a metal banister, smashing the back of my hand between the banister and Bee. The crunch felt big. That evening, as I was out and about, my hand started swelling up and…

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Herbs to get you through the Festival Season

This summer, I worked at 3 festivals in 6 weeks – and while that is fresh in my mind, I thought it would be useful to share with you the herbs I had with me that came in handy over a full weekend of camping, walking and of course dancing, in all the elements. HERBS…

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Ground Ivy Cream Cheese Recipe

One of the abundant medicinal plants to harvest in spring is ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea). You know you have found this plant when you rub it between your fingers and it has a really strong aromatic smell. It’s in the mint family and has tiny purple flowers that look a lot like the flowers on…

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Nettle Seeds for Vitality – Preventing adrenal burn out

From mid-summer onwards our native superfood, the stinging nettle offers us their plump green seeds. They hang like jewels in strings beneath the leaves and if you’re very careful, you can just about pick the seeds without stinging yourself on the stems or leaves that surround them, but I recommend gloves for gathering nettle seeds.…

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